
Thursday, September 23, 2010

I'm So Ashamed

Wow.  It's been an extremely long time since I've posted.  For that, dear readers, I apologize.  I'm ashamed of myself!

It's not that I haven't been posting. I've been posting to my sister blog nearly every day so I don't forget things that have happened during school hours. 

My personal life has been a little less dramatic, so you haven't missed much.  Let's see.  I've been spending my evenings checking homework (of my own children and my class) from the comfort of my sofa while my ice-covered knee is perched on the ottoman.  (Still dealing with the torn meniscus.  Was seen by doctor again on Wednesday and put into a temporary brace until my MRI on Monday.  They'll make a decision on how to proceed after that.  I'll keep you posted.  Let's just say it's a little cumbersome trying to keep up with folks lately.)

Anyhow, back to the busyness of life.  I'm trying to keep up with posting, nursing my knee, have gotten interviewed by a local reporter for a news story about teachers, attended two parent nights, and started my new part-time weekend job at a facility geared to help underprivileged children.  (The cool thing about the program is that my family is part of it as well; we are sort of models of what a proper family should be.  We also teach them life skills, how to be responsible citizens, and how to handle conflict in a positive way.  We've done two weekends so far and we love it!)

I know, I know.  It's been crazy and you've missed me (maybe), but I promise I will try to be a bit more timely in my postings here.

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